Friday 29 April 2011

Have you checked us out yet?

Have you checked out GUVERA yet, we are featured, a great concept, free music... Legally

Don't forget, if you are chasing a new Phone system the why don't you check a few Testimonials from a few of our happy customers. Click here and have a look

All you Queenslanders, enjoy the Long weekend and we will see you all Next Week

Cheers For Now


Wednesday 27 April 2011

DMG Communication - On Guvera

Check us out on GUVERA, a great time to get that Phone System installed, FREE!!! Music Cards on Offer

Check it out

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Counting Down to Easter

We would like to wish everyone a relaxing break over Easter

Enjoy the time with your families and friends.

Cheers the DMG Comms Crew

Thursday 14 April 2011

One Day closer to 100 %

Well another day has passed and we are a little closer to being fully operational from our office here

View Larger Map

And from the inside we have most things in place

Tomorrow the last of the equipment will be here.

Cheers for now

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The New Office Taking Shape

Hi All,

Watch this space, we are 70% moved into the new office and by this weekend will be 100% up and running.

As you can see there is a little way to go, watch tomorrow for a few more photos and updates.

Today Donna and I work from the Southport Office, so much more space for now until we fill it up with more furniture :-)

Till tomorrow


Friday 1 April 2011

New Office - Start the Move Next Week

Hi Again,

Well we are on the final count down to the relocation of our office to Southport....

We will start the roll out process next week, with everything ordered and awaiting delivery, this is an exciting time for us all at DMG Comms, with more space to move and grow so we can service our customers better.

View Larger Map

Well everyone have a fantastic weekend and let the fun and excitement begin with our relocation

The DMG Comms Team