Monday 20 August 2012


While DSL broadband speeds are much of a muchness between the US, the UK and Australia, when it comes to 4G wireless, we're way ahead down under.
The results of our ZDNet Broadband Speedtest show the extent to which Telstra has led the charge for 4G, and how Australia has embraced the technology. The average speed attained by Aussies running the test (downloading a 3MB file) on a 4G device was 11.1Mbps; 77 per cent faster than the average 4G speed in the US. Britain's performance managed three quarters of the Australian download speed — but with only 0.1 per cent of all UK tests made on a 4G device, they really should be disqualified from the category for not trying hard enough.

Over in the DSL arena, the results are very close indeed, but it's another Aussie gold. Australia's average speed of 6.8Mbps just pips the Americans, who were at 6.3Mbps, and the Brits, who averaged 6.2Mbps. The Aussies did have an advantage here, though, clocking 60 per cent of all the tests made across DSL, compared to just 45 per cent in the UK and only 30 per cent in the US.
Team Great Britain has to win gold for commitment to fibre. The average speed on fibre connections was close across all three countries (around the 21Mbps mark), but in the UK, 13 per cent of all tests were run across the technology (compared to 8 per cent in the US and only 2 per cent in Australia).
Britain's commitment to the latest technology improves its opportunity for future gold, but there's clearly a need for more focus; 17 per cent of people taking the test there didn't know what sort of connection they were on, which was 2.5 times worse than the Aussie rate.
Sadly, despite strengths in 4G, it wasn't enough to secure Australia anything other than third place in the overall rankings. The higher ratio of cable in the US (21 per cent) and Britain's stronger performance in 3G pushed Australia down in the overall speed ranking.

Wednesday 9 May 2012



As a Business Owner and with technology evolving so quickly, how do you keep up with your competitors and streamline your business.

Gone are the days where simple phone lines and handsets were adequate.

Now days some of the questions we are asking ourselves are:

·         How do I make my website work better for me and how do I capture the audience that are viewing my website?

·         How can I make my staff more efficient for productivity and profit?

·         How do I keep up with my competition and lead in my chosen industry?

·         Can my staff work remote to keep overheads down on my office size?  How can I make this work?

·         If I don’t answer my phone, my competitors will.  How do I answer and handle my calls better?

·         Am I managing my communications or are my communications managing me? 

·         My costs to fly & accommodate staff for training sessions is eating into my profit margin?

·         What is Office 365 Online all about and how can that benefit my business?

Another thing to take into consideration is customer behaviour has changed with evolving technology.  The way that our customers buy things has also evolved.  Today, our customers already know who we are and what we do.  What’s more, they know more about our competition than we do.

Customers are smarter than ever before because they have more knowledge than they have ever had thanks to Google.  The question we then have to ask ourselves is, why should they buy from us, as opposed to the company down the street or the next town or half way across the world?

Think about it, how often has the following happened in your company?

·         A customer or prospect calls with an urgent, time-sensitive request, but is unable to reach the right person for an answer

·         An unexpected development leaves a key employee stuck at home and completely unproductive

Four key investments can streamline your business and assist with all of the above, Phone System Solutions, Call Centre Solutions, the right Data Connection & Video Conferencing.

1.       Instead of keeping your communications separate, Avaya IP Office brings them together so you can easily turn a home or mobile phone into an office extension, collaborate with dozens of customers or staff members on a conference call and get detailed reports that show how well your company is responding to customers.  Add to this the fact that Avaya can also integrate with Outlook and federate your presence to all of your contacts via PBX, Skype, Facebook, etc.  Now your staff are readily available anywhere.

2.       Call Centre plug ins that allow you to capture your audience when they are viewing your Website.  How great to know that when a customer pauses on your website they can receive a message asking if they require further assistance captured in an email back to your office or click to call.

3.       Technology today is placing more and more demands on the data connections we have in place.  With cloud computing, voice, video & other hosted solutions our data connections are struggling to keep pace. 

4.       Video Conferencing can range from the integrated Avaya IP Office solution through to compatible external Video Conference Facilities with LifeSize.  

Small Business through to large corporate Companies can also benefit from Office 365 Online, Basic and Enterprise Editions.  No more requirement for that expensive SBS Server with ongoing local maintenance

The experienced team at DMG Communications can assist with advice & integration of all these solutions. 

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Donna Gresham