Friday 12 August 2011

Telstra Launches First 4G Device

Australia's first 4G/LTE device to launch


CEO, David Thodey, has announced around 2000 Telstra USB 4G mobile broadband modems would be made available to business and enterprise customers from 29 August ahead of the national launch of 4G services later this year.
We switched on our first 4G base stations, using Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, in May.
"Telstra's 4G-enabled network is the next generation in mobile broadband and is set to offer Australians an even faster mobile connection," David said.
"The commercial pilot will give some of our customers a taste of the faster speeds, greater capacity and quicker response times that can be available for mobile services on 4G ahead of our national launch in major capital cities and selected regional centres later this year."
"Australian businesses already tell us they want fast, reliable mobile broadband with more than two million customers connecting to our network for internet on the go[1]. Our investment in next-generation 4G mobile technology will help meet Australia’s growing demand for faster speeds and create additional capacity in our network."
Our first 4G product, the Telstra USB 4G, will use dual mode 4G/3G HSPA technology enabling it to operate across the 1800MHz and 850MHz spectrum bands, giving customers the benefits of 4G connectivity where it is available and switchover to high-speed  HSPA technology across the Telstra Mobile Network which reaches 99 per cent of the Australian population.
The Telstra USB 4G will be available initially to account managed business customers. It can be purchased in conjunction with a range of plans including for $0 upfront on the $49 Telstra Mobile Broadband Standard Plan over 24 months (minimum total cost $1,176) with 7GB included data. It will be available from 29 August through Telstra Business and Telstra Enterprise & Government account managers.
We are taking expressions of interest from customers who would like to be among the first to receive information about the national launch of Telstra's 4G service in Australia. Customers can visit
* 4G/LTE coverage will be available initially within 5km from the GPO in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. Speeds vary due to factors such as distance from base station, local conditions, user numbers, hardware and software configuration.
[1]Telstra had more than 2.3 million mobile broadband SIOs at the end of March 2011.

Friday 29 April 2011

Have you checked us out yet?

Have you checked out GUVERA yet, we are featured, a great concept, free music... Legally

Don't forget, if you are chasing a new Phone system the why don't you check a few Testimonials from a few of our happy customers. Click here and have a look

All you Queenslanders, enjoy the Long weekend and we will see you all Next Week

Cheers For Now


Wednesday 27 April 2011

DMG Communication - On Guvera

Check us out on GUVERA, a great time to get that Phone System installed, FREE!!! Music Cards on Offer

Check it out

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Counting Down to Easter

We would like to wish everyone a relaxing break over Easter

Enjoy the time with your families and friends.

Cheers the DMG Comms Crew

Thursday 14 April 2011

One Day closer to 100 %

Well another day has passed and we are a little closer to being fully operational from our office here

View Larger Map

And from the inside we have most things in place

Tomorrow the last of the equipment will be here.

Cheers for now

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The New Office Taking Shape

Hi All,

Watch this space, we are 70% moved into the new office and by this weekend will be 100% up and running.

As you can see there is a little way to go, watch tomorrow for a few more photos and updates.

Today Donna and I work from the Southport Office, so much more space for now until we fill it up with more furniture :-)

Till tomorrow


Friday 1 April 2011

New Office - Start the Move Next Week

Hi Again,

Well we are on the final count down to the relocation of our office to Southport....

We will start the roll out process next week, with everything ordered and awaiting delivery, this is an exciting time for us all at DMG Comms, with more space to move and grow so we can service our customers better.

View Larger Map

Well everyone have a fantastic weekend and let the fun and excitement begin with our relocation

The DMG Comms Team

Tuesday 22 March 2011


What do we mean by this?

Is it just Sales Speak or is there merits in this word

Here at DMG Communications we believe there is more than just merits in the word it needs to be your Core belief inside your business, its all about those one percenters, that can turn your business into a profitable, fun venture

Yes, we sell phone systems, and this is an integral part of effeciancy, but where else can you improve your "Productivity"

A few things that come to mind;
  1.  Staffing Levels
    1.  Are they efficient?
    2.  Where can I save them time and improve their "Productivity"
    3.  What's their biggest complaint in the Processes, and what have I done to rectify this?
    4. How is my Staff Morale, how am I measuring this?
  2. Communications
    1.  Do I miss calls?
    2.  Are you sick of playing "Phone Tag"
    3.  How did my last advertising campaign go?
    4.  Why can't I find my Sales Reps?
Just a few things that may change the way you think about your business, what are a few things you can think of in YOUR business that could be done better?

Scott Chisholm - Business Development & Training

P: 07 5580 0999 l  M: 0448 378 460  l F: 07 5580 6692


DMG Communications provides a complete tailored
and professional telecommunications service.  From one off handsets to
a national multi-site roll out, our international products can be streamlined
to suit your exact needs. 

Friday 18 March 2011

The Weekend is Upon Us

Hi All,

Well another week draws to a close, and what a busy week it has been.....

Watch this space for more updates next week


Scott Chisholm - Business Development &

P: 07 5580 0999 l  M: 0448 378 460  l F: 07 5580 6692


DMG Communications provides a complete tailored and
professional telecommunications service.  From one off handsets to
a national multi-site roll out, our international products can be streamlined
to suit your exact needs. 

    Wednesday 16 March 2011

    NEW!!! Website Live

    Just a Quick update....

    Our NEW Website is now LIVE!!!!

    Version II of our website provide more information of what we do with AVAYA & Alcatel-Lucent, you can also read more from their Blogs at the bottom of this page

    Needing to replace that Phone System

    Why would I need a new Phone System?

    There are many factors that would leed you to ask this question;
    • Am I getting most out of my Staff?
    • Am I missing vital opportunities in Sales?
    • Is my Sales Team chained to the office?
    • How is did my last advertising campaign go?
    As you cn see it does not take long to compile a few vital questions about where you business is and where you need your business to be.

    Here at DMG Communications we provide you with the latest in feature rich technology to assist you in working more efficiently to ensure your customers have seamless communications with your business from their very first call.

    DMG  Communications Managing Director Donna Gresham brings over 10 years experience  in the telecommunications industry as a Phone System Solutions Consultant,  Trainer and Telstra Dealer.

    Our  personable and friendly staff are certified, qualified and experienced to  ensure your business receives a high level of expertise.  Our mission is to become the leading provider  in telecommunications with a focus on customer choice and satisfaction.

    We  consistently strive to offer the latest and most advanced technological  products on the market whilst ensuring our customers benefit by saving time,  increasing productivity, working more efficiently and in turn receive a  noticeable return on investment.

    Selecting the right solution for your business is so much more than just connecting a phone line and that's where our experienced staff can help you. At DMG Communications we pride ourselves on our customer service and in taking the time to understand your day to day business operations before tailoring a solution to meet your needs.

    DMG  Communications Managing Director Donna Gresham brings over 10 years experience  in the telecommunications industry as a Phone System Solutions Consultant,  Trainer and Telstra Dealer.

    We are  proud to work with the best phone system providers in the business which is why  we chose Avaya, Alcatel-Lucent.   These systems can be tailored to suit any infrastructure from the individual working from home to national multi-site needs.
    With the great deals Telstra is putting up, you will be very surprised at how cost effective it is to get the latest and best technology working for you, not to mention the ongoing savings you will be making and also the increased profits from insuring you don't miss that Sales opportunity.

    Need more questions asked/answered, be sure to call us, check out our Website or send us an Email


    Thursday 10 March 2011

    New Look for DMG Communications

    Coming up over the next few weeks you will see some major changes occur at DMG Communications
    • New website
    • New Office Location
    • New Professional Look
    At DMG Communications we have always prided ourselves on how we service your needs in your business, now with additional support we are determined to maintain this level of service to your business and take it to the next level

    From first contact to professional installation we are with you every step of the way

    What we do Best
    • We look at your Whole business
    • Work with you to provide the best solution for whole of business
    • Whole of business includes
      • Mobility
      • Data
      • Fixed Lines
      • Phone System
    We work with the best Brands
    •  Telstra
      • Best service
      • Large Company
      • Great Acquisition Offers
      • Provides Breadth of Service
    • AVAYA
      • World leading Technology
      • IP Office - Full IP system
      • Amazing options out of the Box
    • Alcatel-Lucent
      • Perfect for SME and Mid Market Solutions
      • Intuitive Handsets
      • IP & Digital Technology
    • Matrix Dialers
      • Maximise cost savings
      • Add to Call Centre Solutions
      • Respected and Trusted Brand
    • Gea-IT
      • Professional Installers and Technicians
      • Great Support
      • Technology Driven Company
    So watch this space for regular updates and News that can affect you and your business


    Scott Chisholm - Business Development & Training
    P: 07 5580 0999 l  M: 0448 378 460  l F: 07 5580 6692 

    DMG Communications provides a complete tailored and
    professional telecommunications service.  From one off handsets to a
    national multi-site roll out, our international products can be streamlined to
    suit your exact needs.  

    Wednesday 9 March 2011

    Telstra warns Senate on NBN regulation

    Consumer advocates have called on the federal government to
    rethink plans to privatise the national broadband network (NBN).

    The $36 billion project is scheduled to be privatised within
    five years of its completion, although parliament would have to approve any

    With the rollout expected to take at least another seven
    years, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network is urging the
    government to be mindful of creating a private-sector monopoly.

    "There are still significant groups in Australia that have
    some great concern about the privatisation of public utilities," chief executive
    Teresa Corbin told a Senate hearing in Sydney.

    The consumer lobby group said privatisation should be
    approached with great caution, adding that a private monopoly could become too
    politically powerful.

    Telco giant Telstra has concerns of a different kind,
    arguing too much regulation in the sector could stifle competition.

    "Requiring regulation of new broadband networks before they
    are even built will create a powerful disincentive to investment in
    infrastructure and will discourage competition with NBN Co," Telstra said in a
    submission to the Senate inquiry.

    Telstra also has called on the government to ban the NBN Co,
    the company building the network, from controlling an internet service

    NBN Co would be allowed to control a retailer for up to a
    year, but Telstra argues this would breach the government's policy of making it
    a wholesaler only.

    "There does not appear to be any meaningful justification
    for it," Telstra said.

    The Senate hearing is continuing at the NSW Parliament House
    in Sydney.

    Telstra shares closed down 1.44 per cent to $2.73, against a
    0.83 per cent fall in the benchmark index.

    ASX Stock Chart for TLS

    First Post

    Hi all,

    Just a quick update to let you know our website is going through a refresh and will be uploaded and ready to go in the next few weeks, please feel free to provide any feedback via the contact form.
    Our NEW Website
    Keep watching this space for more updates and opinions from the team at DMG Communications