Wednesday 16 March 2011

Needing to replace that Phone System

Why would I need a new Phone System?

There are many factors that would leed you to ask this question;
  • Am I getting most out of my Staff?
  • Am I missing vital opportunities in Sales?
  • Is my Sales Team chained to the office?
  • How is did my last advertising campaign go?
As you cn see it does not take long to compile a few vital questions about where you business is and where you need your business to be.

Here at DMG Communications we provide you with the latest in feature rich technology to assist you in working more efficiently to ensure your customers have seamless communications with your business from their very first call.

DMG  Communications Managing Director Donna Gresham brings over 10 years experience  in the telecommunications industry as a Phone System Solutions Consultant,  Trainer and Telstra Dealer.

Our  personable and friendly staff are certified, qualified and experienced to  ensure your business receives a high level of expertise.  Our mission is to become the leading provider  in telecommunications with a focus on customer choice and satisfaction.

We  consistently strive to offer the latest and most advanced technological  products on the market whilst ensuring our customers benefit by saving time,  increasing productivity, working more efficiently and in turn receive a  noticeable return on investment.

Selecting the right solution for your business is so much more than just connecting a phone line and that's where our experienced staff can help you. At DMG Communications we pride ourselves on our customer service and in taking the time to understand your day to day business operations before tailoring a solution to meet your needs.

DMG  Communications Managing Director Donna Gresham brings over 10 years experience  in the telecommunications industry as a Phone System Solutions Consultant,  Trainer and Telstra Dealer.

We are  proud to work with the best phone system providers in the business which is why  we chose Avaya, Alcatel-Lucent.   These systems can be tailored to suit any infrastructure from the individual working from home to national multi-site needs.
With the great deals Telstra is putting up, you will be very surprised at how cost effective it is to get the latest and best technology working for you, not to mention the ongoing savings you will be making and also the increased profits from insuring you don't miss that Sales opportunity.

Need more questions asked/answered, be sure to call us, check out our Website or send us an Email


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